
Why the name?

A graduate of Cedar Crest College, it was the first night of my freshman year that I gained the nickname Amy Art. Many of us were total strangers and as an ice breaker, we went around the circle stating our name, major and where we lived – passing to the next person who would have to state their information and the information of each person who went before them. Amy Art was easy for everyone to remember and it stuck.

What’s my background?

So, you already know I graduated from Cedar Crest College – when I was there, it was a small, liberal arts women’s college – I hear it is so much more these days!! I majored in Art with two concentrations – Graphic Design and Metalsmithing. While I learned a lot in school, I’ve learned a great deal more in the working world. I love learning new techniques/processes and pride myself on my inquisitive nature.

Fresh out of college, I worked as a secretary for a lawyer (under qualified, but the lawyer was a very forgiving man) and a Jeweler as a salesperson with hopes to help with repair work. Neither job really worked out, and I applied for a job as a Graphic Artist with a Screen Printer in the Poconos – Majestic Graphics. I’ve held various graphic design/project management positions in the Screen Printing, Newspaper, Publishing and Pharmaceutical industries since that first creative gig at Majestic.